& Welcome
Looking for positivity and coaching,
feel stuck or blocked or uneasy
in any area of your life?
"Astroguru strive to make the world a better place by GUIDING and
TEACHING people to CONNECT and EMPOWER themselves to the spiritual planes of
consciousness. In this spirit every request for help will be carefully reviewed and
observed to ensure that no harm ever comes to anyone."
About Astroguru

Jay Mataji.
Astroguru is a concept borne of the desire to assist people all over the world and by so doing uplifting the energetic frequency of the world to a more positive level.
Guruji Amit Maharaj together with priests who are expertly versed and specialized in each of the Vedas came the concept of Astroguru. Collectively their purpose it is to empower and protect in both, physical and spiritual realms.
Guruji was born in the City of Saints, Gujarat, India. After the age of 5, growing up in the suburb of Ville Parle, Mumbai, he was admitted in the Himalayas, where he spent 12+ years learning the ancient teachings of the four books of ancient Vedas.
He hails from a renowned line of seven generations of Jyotishis (astrologers) for whom it was tradition that the knowledge of Vedic teachings of God and Hinduism be taught to a Brahman at a young and tender age.
During his 12-years in the mountains, he obtained various degrees in Jyotish Aacharya, Karm Kand Bhushan, Jyotish Ratn, and Face Reading and Palmist.
Guruji Amit Maharaj is fluent in several languages including Sanskrit which is the language of the ancient Vedic texts.

Astroguru has a mission and vision to help people fulfil their life purpose and potential.
Astroguru is a group of over 200 priests have helped people cope with and overcome body and mind dis-ease, negative energy crises, social, financial, & cultural challenges to name a few.
Through a humble and compassionate approach, Guruji uses their mastered knowledge & spiritual elevation to undertake a social responsibility to help those in need.
The work is channelled through meditation, Puja Paath (prayers), rites and rituals as prescribed by the Vedas to help individuals achieve material and spiritual health, wealth, happiness and a true sense of purpose.
Additionally, when the Guruji have a particularly challenging situation sometimes a matter of life and death they access an "army" of thousands of Maharajs (priests) across their Ashrams in India.
They work together to coach and give moral support, remove negative energies and vibrations to restore and revive love, balance and harmony back into the lives of people.

Travelling the world for this work. Guruji feel blessed and humbled to have been given the opportunity to help hundreds of thousands of people across the globe-in 92 countries.
Services and work include small and large businesses and companies/organizations as well as a range of individuals from all walks of life.
They regularly visit the people they have helped and continue to help in:
Angola, Argentina, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Burundi, Cameroon,Central African
Republic, Chad, China, Congo, Dubai, Egypt,
Ethiopia, Europe, France, Gabon, Germany, Ghana,
Greece, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Hong Kong,
Indonesia, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Lebanon, Lesotho,Libya, Madagascar,
Malawi, Mali, Maldives, Mauritius, Monaco,
Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal,
Nigeria, Portugal, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda,
Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, SingaSomalia. South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, UK,
Zambia, Zimbabwe. Gibraltar,
Jordan, Vietnam, phillippines, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Canada, Peru,
Mexico, New Zealand , Kuwait, bahrain
What is Dakshina?
The term Dakshina or Gurudakshina is a term that is found in many Vedic texts.
It is in the context of a fee, gift, donation, offering or reward to the officiating guru. It is an acknowledgment to spiritual guides and teachers offered out of respect, and gratitude and a form of reciprocity and exchange between individuals and the guru and maharajs. In the old times Dakshina would be in the form of a cow or some other gift. In the modern day it would be challenging to deliver such physical gifts to the gurus and maharajs.
Guruji respect the notion of Dakshina and this is the reason why all the work that they do is given a monetary value. It is not for profit. It is in the spirit of reciprocity.
Guruji and all the priests live in Ashrams where their very basic physical needs must be met. This includes food, shelter, clothing, transport, school fees, travel and accommodation to enable for the well being of themselves and their families.
Dakshina and gurudakshina also allows the Ashrams to procure all the items that are required to perform all the rites and rituals associated with Puja and Paath.

Advise & Guidance
Speak with Guruji about any issues or fears you might have related to your job, business, relationships, money, health, and well being and your future. Through guidance and spiritual practices you can begin to design the life you desire at every level.

Dharma means belief in the higher powers and Pravachan means speech or talk.
Guruji Amit Maharaj is available to speak with you and your family, friends, community in a friendly and happy atmosphere to discuss all aspects of dharma and worldly life. Invite Guruji to your home or work place or any venue you wish. During the visit you may also request that Guruji and Maharajs to performs specific prayers.

Speak directly to Guruji Amit Maharaj by telephonic or Video call to explain your situation and find the solution going forward. During
your call Guruji Amit Maharaj will ask you questions about the situation and then explain how he can help you. You may be asked to send photographs of yourself or the people concerned. You may ask for you and yours love one.
Wealth, Health, relationship, job, business, study, love, House, Luck and more.

We pray to Devi Sarswati for who struggles with learning and we make learning smooth with special Sarswati Pooja. We can pray for you would make the materials and lessons presented to them clear and concise. To Lord, we pray for the joy of learning to be restored to students who are discouraged by their progress and career.
- Make learning smooth
- Boost your education
- Which line is good for you
- Where you can make career
General Puja Prayers
Request Guruji to offer prayers and rituals for good luck, good health, wealth and blessings. Prayers will be carried out by groups of priests with appropriate rites and rituals performed on your behalf. For example- you might be taking exams, starting a family, starting a new business, moving to a new home, going for surgery, need protection from from negative energies, or just feel like you need a boost.

Vastu Shanti
Prayers for Home/Work place Blessings
VASTU SHANTI (SIMILAR TO FENG SHUI) Vastu in Sanskrit means environment. Shanti means peace. The Vastu Shanti prayers and rituals are performed in order to cleanse and remove negative, sad and unwanted energies from the land, home or workplace.
It is always important to perform Vastu and Vastu Shanti where an individual lives, works or might own some land.
Housewarming prayer for all those in this house that as they come and go you will keep them safe, but also help them to exemplify you, pray that you would feel your presence with us even as we leave the home.
Vaastu also gives guidance of the directions which items should be put at where place like locker, Temple, sleeping directions and more. Its very importance for the human positive and success life.
Vaastu Puja detail as below-
- Factory
- Offices
- House
- Mall
- School
- College
- Farm house
- Petrol pump
- Gas station
- Hotel
- Motel

Horoscope Services
Your horoscope is a blueprint of your life.Your Date and Time of Birth Hold the secret to your behavioural patterns, Talents, life events and luck factor.
- Make horoscope
- Kundli reading
- Horoscope match making
- Daily Predictions
- Weekly Predictions
- Monthly Predictions
- Yearly Predictions
- Vedik horoscope

Prayers for money & wealth
Mahalaxmi Prayer
There is no limit to changes that God can make in your life through the power of creating truth with prayer. Laxmi prayer can bring good wealth in your life. Laxmi puja is mother of wealth and wealth is coming from mahalaxmi puja.
- Kuber prayer
- Mahalaxmi Prayer
- Ocean prayer
- Laxminarayan prayer

Horoscope cleansing prayers
These prayer is performed for people who are born under certain star and planetary alignments which have a very negative influence on the individual. If an individual is experiencing difficulty and challenges for a very long time, they can find out about why and how the dosh is affecting them and the correct rituals and prayers can be done to remove the negative influences and allow the person to live a happier and better life.
- Kalsarp dosh puja
- Grahan dosh puja
- Shrapit dosh puja
- Anagarak yog puja
- Chandal yog puja
- Vish yog puja
- Asthibhang yog puja

Pitru Puja/Ancestor Prayers
This special ritual and prayer is performed to clear the way of ancestors and thereby also clearing the negative karmic destinies that may have befallen an individual because of the past deeds of their ancestors. This is a powerful and purging prayer.
We often think of ancestor worship as something from the ancient past. But ancestor worship is still alive and well today. Some researchers and scholars even consider acts like embalming and entombing the dead, as well as celebrating occasions like Memorial Day, a form of ancestor worship
Ancestors worship is based on love and respect for the deceased. The social or non-religious function of ancestor veneration is to cultivate kinship values, such as filial piety, family loyalty, and continuity of the family lineage.
We have faith and be sincere to the memory of your ancestors. Perform shraadh with total shraddha or sincerity. While feeding the hungry, pray that the ancestors feel happy and satisfied.

Shiv Puja
Shiv Pooja leads devotees on the path of divine salvation, also known as Moksha. Perpetual prosperity and gainful results in business, career, etc, Protection from untimely death if devotees chant mantras and worship of Lord Shiva. Shiva's role is to destroy the universe in order to re-create it. his powers of destruction and recreation are used even now to destroy the illusions and imperfections of this world, paving the way for beneficial change.
- Laghurudra
- Maharudra
- Atirudra
- Kotirudra
- Rudraabhishek
- Mahamrutunjay jaap
- Shiv Aradhana

Enemy and negativity prayers
Pray for Your protection as begin the day. Hiding place, and under Your wings can always find refuge. Protect from trouble wherever you go, and keep evil far from you.
Sign of Enemy:
- They Talk Behind Your Back.
- They Don't Celebrate Your Wins.
- They Point Out All The Negative.
- Things About Your Life.
- They're Very Competitive.
- They're Passive Aggressive.
- Conversations Always Revolve Around Them.
- They're Selfish With Their Time.
- They Take Advantage Of You.

Yoga & Meditation aura energy
Yoga is elements of meditation built right in a connection between mind, body, and breath and an emphasis on being present on the mat. There's no hard and fast set of rules for yoga meditation, but some strategies can help you get out of your head and into your body And
Aura Energy.

Spiritual jewellery
This concept is launched exclusively by Guruji Amit Maharaj. The jewellery’s made with Different precious Gem stones, yantras, metals, herb according to acendant, planets, nakshatra, sun sign and moon sign of horoscope. This jewellery to be worn for specific reason like, to get extream Success in every aspect of life and total abundance. This jewellery creates electromagnetic power after energized in a right way.

Numbers have always fascinated humans and the exploration of numbers produced wonderful and precise knowledge in the fields of mathematics, logic, philosophy, science, and arts. Ancient cultures in India, Greece, and China have also wrestled with the mysterious and mystical nature of numbers particularly in term of their relationships with Earthly events. Without numbers we cannot keep time, celebrate birth days, draw up natal charts, match horoscopes, or make predictions using Numerology. At our centre, Customers are guaranteed the services of only the best numerologist in Mumbai with vast experience in making predictions and offering solutions related to personal, inter-personal, social, and professional problems.

Nav Durga Puja/ Godest prayer.
Obstacles & Negativity removal prayers.
Performing Durga Puja invokes and attracts prosperity, health, wealth and peace of mind to the individual who requests it.
A powerful and unique fire ritual prayer which allows those prayed for to remove all negative energies causing fear of sickness, defeat, and energies associated with the 9 planetary alignments that affect the individual and their nearest and dearest. It asks for well-being, long life, prosperity, success, fame and abundance.
In some cases where there a too many problems all together, it will be necessary to increase the number of days and priests.

Special prayers / Frequently Questions
Special prayers
- Prayer for child
- Prayer for love
- Prayer for mind stress
- Prayer for anxiety
- Prayer for job
- Prayer for good luck
- Evil shield protection
Frequently Questions
- In which area can I invest?
- Where is my luck?
- When can I buy the house?
- When can I buy the car?
- When I will get in relationship?
- Which is year is good for get married?
- UK
As per the Covid regulating travel advisory by every country.